RPY Innovations has the expertise to get you where you need to go.

Payment Provider Comparison

Looking at which payment partner best suits your requirements is more than just a financial comparison. You also want to know which provider gives your business the best tools to monetize payments.

Acquirers have different focuses: some have developed programs specific to ISVs and others are focused on payment facilitators. Some tailor programs specific to retail ISO’s or sponsor wholesale ISO’s. Several acquirers have comprehensive programs to foster international growth.

RPY’s payment processing consulting services provide the insight for you to select the best partners.

Education & Training

Your organization needs skills and knowledge to grow. As part of the payments consulting services, RPY offers education to all levels of your team and in a variety of formats, from executive roundtable discussions to new employee training. We customize training for both general industry topics and project specific areas including: Underwriting and Risk Management, Exception Handling, Operational Workflow, Compliance and Regulations, Payment Facilitation, Customer Service, International Currency Management, Cross Border Payments, and Solution Selling.

Operational Development

Changing your model from an ISV or retail ISO to becoming a payment facilitator requires an understanding and possible buildout of payments operations. We thoroughly explain the PayFac model, the requirements and resources, and options. Our payments consultants guide you through determining how much of the process to outsource and help you build your own solutions.

RPY Innovations helps you find the right personnel, train them, and develop standard operating procedures. We also introduce you to payment processing service providers and help you weigh their proposals for:

  • Design and implementation of fraud and risk monitoring tools and practices

  • Data security and PCI DSS for sub-merchants

  • KYC compliance

  • Identity verification

  • Delivery of financial instructions for sub-merchant payouts

As your payment processing consultants we’re with you every step of the way to facilitate everything from introductions to escalations to technology demonstrations. The end result is a payments acceptance operation that meets all regulatory requirements and is ably managed by you, the client. Our expertise dramatically shortens your timeline.

Policy Development & Execution

It is crucial to meet acquirer program standards, card brand rules and regulations, and country-specific laws and requirements when running a success payments program. Our payments consultants review your organization’s ability to anticipate and safeguard against risk in your business operations and client portfolio. RPY Innovations helps develop and implement all the necessary payment policies and infrastructure to ensure you are prepared for compliance audits.

Payment Gap Analysis

Regulators are meticulous in the payments industry and compliance requirements are becoming more complex. It is not sufficient to simply have an Anti-Money Laundering Policy; you must implement the procedures and audit them annually. Compliance rises to a new level when you become a payment facilitator, a money transmitter, or need to get a Payment Institution license.

Can you comfortably answer your Acquirer’s Regulatory Compliance / Anti-Money Laundering questionnaire? A compliance program is more than approval of a concept. It is the everyday management of policies, procedures, internal controls, and management oversight and audit.

RPY Innovations offers payments consulting services and has the expertise to assist you in writing your policies, implementing them, and streamlining your practices.

Let us review your policies and procedures for compliance to make sure you are auditable and managing your risk to the lowest level possible.

Financial Analysis

Our team of payment consultants provides a financial overview that analyzes costs and potential of your company’s payments program. We uncover details and correlations that are difficult to accumulate or analyze on your own, due to the complex and often opaque nature of payments.

Our experience and dexterity with our unique tool allows RPY Innovations to compare and contrast every important metric to determine which are most impactful on your bottom line. By looking at the data to understand your industry purely by the numbers, our payments consulting services will help you make difficult decisions, prioritize partnerships, and accurately price customers.

Project Management

RPY has the project management capability you need to get your strategic payments plan off the ground. We work alongside your internal teams and vendors to manage the project plan with secure online tools. To facilitate communication and keep the project on track, RPY payments consultants liaison with key personnel throughout the organization and ensure management is able to execute the deliverables. We drive projects to revenue.

How can RPY help you?